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How to Stretch Your MLM Success Stories' Value

LM success stories are one of the most effective tools that you can share. However, they can quickly grow stale in one format. There are ways to keep the value going strong and this material will cover some details. Have you read or watched a story and wished you could see it in another format? If you said yes, then you know that great stories have a great impression on the reader. So by understanding the value, we can then look at recycling the story in various ways to keep it going strong. Plus, reducing the need for fresh material. Common styles for MLM success stories... There are common formats that you will see MLM success stories published in. These formats include text and videos as the most popular. Blogs are the number one text format used for the stories. Even though there are articles and guides used as well. Still graphics such as photos are becoming the go to share small bits from a story. While its easy to write or create a video for the story. This is not enough ...

How to Personally Brand Your Leveraged Sales Products

eraged sales are the best ways to reduce overhead, if you do it right. Creating material that is exclusive is nothing new. However personal branding is kind of new to the field. Growing a strong brand is not easy, but it can be done. It should be done so your revenue base can grow. A small revenue base will either grow, remain as it is or shrink. Depending on you and how you brand and promote your offerings. Even MLM marketers know that branding is important, especially interdependently. There could be issues if you don't brand under a different flag. Your leveraged sales branding starting guide Leveraged sales is a science and art. There is a lot of creativity and measurement behind this field. Just like your MLM business, you need to brand your personal products and services. This can be done under the same logo and it can work well. Separating the two is not wise. It can get confusing and distracting from the main goal. But that is for another time. The first stop is creati...

What to Do If You Have No MLM Success Stories

Having MLM success stories is great for the everyday marketer that has the experience and story archives. What do you do if you don't have any stories? This narrative will help you uncover some ways to work with your limited resources and still come out like a shining star. Everyone should start somewhere, but some people will take the wrong path and use stories that are not theirs. This is a big no in the world of marketing and writing. However, you can create stories that are based on research, interviews and share them with your prospects. Building up your reputation through MLM success stories research One of the easiest ways to gain reputation and authority in an overzealous industry is to research and craft stories that are educational and informative for your audience. This doesn't mean it's always about Mr. Zeal coming from rags to success, but it can eventually tie into your MLM success stories archive that building. Academic styled articles, blogs, and...

The Most Useful Network Marketing Practices to Help You Get Ahead

work Marketing has its own strategies that it uses to reach potential customers, and these customers are those where you are not able to reach on your own. What I have written here will give you tips on how make your way through to reach all those customers and the rest knowledge of Network Marketing. When you are in the business of Network Marketing, whenever you are with a prospect make sure you use your own experience, your earnings in recommending products and to show the prospects that it is possible to make real money when efforts is being employed. This type of Marketing is about convincing people that investing in this business is worth something give their time to and this will work with you showing them proofs. One common mistake network marketers always make is by wasting so much time and efforts maintaining their network when they should using their time and efforts for expanding their network. Spending time checking your emails, Facebook Profile, Twitter account and s...

How to Decide What Offers You Receive in the Mail to Participate In

Perhaps you are like me. Daily and for years, I have received countless offers to join money-making programs on the fly. I actually have looked at most of them. After having done so, I started to realize that many of these are either scams that probably won't work or, if ordered, they don't include each and every step clearly laid out in order for you to make any sense. Let's face it, if you can't connect all of the dots in any program - it just won't work. One of the things that have become clear to me over the years, is many times, most programs contain an up sale. Frequently, many up sales are located on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th page of a sales page when viewed on the web. Nearly always, each new page is an offer for something priced higher than the last one. Very commonly, I've learned that if you say no to the first presentation of the newest offer, you will be given another chance to purchase it at a reduced cost. Careful. This is not a guarantee and may not ...

Secrets of Clary Sage Essential Oil Exposed

y sage ("clear eyes" in Latin) essential oil has historically been popular among the ladies. Perhaps that's because of its remarkable properties for women of all ages - it helps with everything from PMS to symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes. Although there is a precedent for using it in the delivery room to deal with labor-related woes, women in earlier stages of pregnancy should avoid contact or exposure to clary sage essential oil without explicit permission from a midwife or OBGYN. A Flower Known By Many Other Name Clary sage originated in southern Europe. The essential oil is harvested using a steam distillation process that extracts it from both flowers and leaves. Thanks to the plant's efficacy and versatility, it is utilized worldwide. Along the way, it's picked up quite a few different names, including clary wort, muscatel sage, oculus Christi (the eye of Christ), clear eye, see bright and eye bright - not to be confused with eyebright, another p...

An Overview About Different Types of Essential Oils & Their Uses

The essential oil is basically the oil which is extracted from the plant. There are various substances found in nature that contain miraculous healing properties. Owing to these properties, these products find tremendous use in several applications. The application area of the oils that are extracted from the plant includes aromatherapy, massage therapy, culinary applications, etc. The extraction of oil is a decade old process. It started with the invention of the distillation process. Since then, the extracted form of oil is being in use for various purposes including the medicinal usage. Some of the most popular forms of essential oils are discussed here. Amla Oil This is widely known as Emblica Officinalis. This is basically a fruit from which this oil is extracted. It contains various mineral & vitamin extracts. The oil extracted from this is rich in fatty acids, vitamin C, Polyphenols, Flavonoids, protein, carbohydrates, minerals, antioxidants, and water. This is very e...

Secrets of Rosemary Oil Exposed

Rosemary essential oil is highly favored among cerebrally focused individuals. That's because both traditional folk medicine and modern scientific studies are showing the benefits of rosemary for focus, memory and alertness. Currently, it is being investigated as a potential weapon in the fight against Alzheimer's. The actual essential oil is stimulating and intensely woodsy and herbal. Derived from an evergreen shrub that had its origins in the Asian continent rosemary cultivation has now expanded across the globe. Rosemary (also known as the dew of the sea, sea dew and guardrobe) oil is harvested from the shrub's flowers using a process known as steam distillation. How & Why Rosemary Oil Gets Used In ancient times, a number of cultures and religions believed that rosemary was a sacred plant - one with powers and properties to ward off evil spirits and intentions. It was often employed in rituals of protection, purification, love and intellect. Rosemary oil ca...

The Essential Oil Glossary: Common Aromatherapy Terms & Their Meanings (A-D)

ne of the first things I noticed when I started getting hot and heavy with my research on aromatherapy and essential oils is that there is an entire jargon that surrounds the industry and can get pretty confusing to the average reader. If you've ever done any research on the benefits or history of essential terms, you've probably seen these terms and asked yourself, "What in the world does that mean?" Now you can know! If you're thinking about investing in your own kit of aromatherapy inhalers and have started looking into all of the benefits, here's some of the lingo you're likely to encounter. Anti-Fungal This just means that the essential oil in question has been heralded for an ability to treat or prevent fungal growth or infections. Be sure to check these facts against credible studies before buying what you read hook, like and sinker. Anti-Inflammatory Reducing inflammation. Antineuralagic Inhibiting or preventing the occurrence of sh...

The Rise of Warming Oils

rinus officinalis ct. camphor) To many essential oil users, rosemary is not strange to them. The common chemotypes that we encountered are camphor, 1,8 cineole, and verbenone. The latter two are good for respiratory issues, while camphor is renowned for being a stimulant. This article is a study on rosemary camphor with its ability to dry the wetness in the body, resulting in achieving mucolyptic equilibrium. In Chinese Medicine terms, if the spleen cannot function well, the fluid of the body will accumulate. This leads to lethargy and causes nasal congestion. To tackle the problem, the first thing to do is to dry the extra fluid in the body by stimulating the circulation inside. This is especially true for those people who get cold and have cold limbs. Rosemary essential oil is warming. Due to its vasodilating function (i.e. dilating blood vessels), it can stimulate circulation (by increasing circulation of blood and oxygen). Besides, it is also diuretic, which means that it ca...

The Essential Oil Glossary: Common Aromatherapy Terms and Their Meanings (E-Z)

ust about any industry, it's common to encounter a little jargon. The world of aromatherapy and essential oils is no different. While there has been a recent uptick in scientific trials and case studies focused on the world of aromatherapy, most of the legends, lore and information dates back much further. Although much has been updated, you're still likely to encounter some more outdated or medical jargon you aren't familiar with. In this second and final installment, we're addressing aromatherapy terms that fall in the E-Z glossary. Emmenagogue This term refers to any substance that stimulates or otherwise increases menstrual flow, but can also indicate a more generalized increase in blood flow to the pelvis or uterus. Emollient An emollient is anything that works to soften or soothe the skin. Essential Oil This term refers to any number of natural oils, which are most typically obtained via a process known as distillation and having a characteristic frag...

Five Health Benefits of Using Ylang Ylang Oil

atherapy is something I have recently stuck my nose into! The premise that 'smell' has the power to heal has caused me to investigate aromas that produce therapeutic effect on mind and body. In course of my investigation, I came across a fragrance that I feel every aromatherapy enthusiasts should know about. I am talking about Ylang Ylang-the flower of flowers. Ylang Ylang, (known as 'Cananga Odorata' in the botanical world), is an essential oil derived from the flowers of Cananga tree. The tree is indigenous to the tropical rainforests of Indonesia and Philippines, and is cultivated on a large scale there owing to its great demand in the perfumeries. In this article, I will discuss five important health benefits of using the essential oil derived from this herb. Trust me, you will be surprised to uncover these miraculous qualities of this magical flower as you read on... Promotes relaxation The herb contains linalool-a naturally occurring terpene alcohol. The ...

Essential Oils: Serving Various Health Benefits

ature is full of wonderful things. These substances inherit different physical & chemical properties. Owing to their chemical composition, these can be used for various purposes. They are rich in minerals, vitamins and various other natural occurring substances. These ingredients are very effective in providing nourishment to the body. The essential oils are widely used in several industries. From massage oils to culinary to scent to aromatic products, these are widely used in the range of industries during the manufacturing of the products. The main reason behind their use is that these are naturally occurring substances and offer the wide range of healing effects. Moreover, the use of these substances don't offer any adverse effect on the body. Some of the most popular forms of essential oils that are available in the market are discussed here. Cypriol Oil Another name of this product is "Nagarmotha". It is well-known for its peculiar smell. It contains very ...

Destiny or Choice? How Aromatherapy Reveals Your True Self

cle, I mentioned that my client with over 10-year anxiety was recovering - she used to have palpitations whenever she walked to a place of lower elevation. The issue of palpitations made her unable to drive, not even had the courage to start the car engine. The issue was solved with the use of an aromatherapy inhaler. She regained her confidence after tried the inhaler. The recovery process took two months. During that time, there were complications, possibly due to the fact that she had breast cancer before. While she was using aromatherapy, she ate the wrong food which caused abdominal pain. There was fluid coming out of her wounds. This symptom continued for a month without any signs of improvement. I asked her to seek medical advice, but she refused. I made her another inhaler to relieve her anxiety. After inhaling for three days (3 times a day), miracles happened. Her pain was completely stopped and there was no sign of fluid coming out of her wounds. At the same time, her an...

How Aromatherapy Can Change Your Life

ragrance Oils for Aromatherapy Fragrance oils for aromatherapy do wonders for your home and office. Besides the scent of the oil travelling from one room to the next via using an electric oil diffuser, there are different benefits derived from different fragrances. LAVENDER Lavender is very popular for relaxation. It calms your being and can also help you sleep. Lavender also helps ease depression. This wonderful scent can often be used to replace modern medicine for sleep issues. Lavender is also used as a great tonic for nerves and anxiety issues. Are you mentally stressed before or even after an exam? Inhale some lavender. APPLE CINNAMON OIL A popular fragrance, apple cinnamon has been used for its spicy yet sweet scent. The smell of apples may help to ease migraine headaches. Its been documented that the smell of apples might even curb appetite. Cinnamon - there are so many health benefits derived from the use of this spice. As a scent, cinnamon can help boost brain ...

Aromatherapy and Skin Care Possibilities

ad severe acne on my face and after trying out almost every possible cream and ointment on the market for treating my skin scars, I decided to switch to some alternative method. My sister introduced me to aromatherapy and essential oils. These oils are known to have genuine healing effects, and that is one of the main reasons for its growing popularity in the modern era. For ages, aromatherapy is considered as an excellent healer and has been used for treating so many diseases starting from the nervous systems to aches, hair, and even beauty skin care. You can buy essential oils anywhere in different parts of the world, but buying the best quality is critical to reaping the effects. Undoubtedly, the benefits of using these essential oils are immense, but right knowledge regarding its usage is necessary to make the best use of the product. These oils may be utilized in a daily skin care regime or for oiling hair for relaxation of the nerves, and so on. Here is a list of essential o...

Safety Guidelines to Follow While Using Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

ssential oils are the popular terms in the domain of alternative treatments. These are nothing, but highly concentrated liquids that should be only used with proper knowledge. Many people buy these oils just because they love the smell and start using it. It is a highly dangerous practice as the oil can be harmful to the skin. Available in attractive bottles, essential oils if rightly used can heal many diseases like insomnia, blood pressure, skin troubles, aches and inflammation, respiratory problems, nerve ailments, and so on. Here are some safety guidelines to follow for making a right use of aromatherapy oils. Never use undiluted essential oils on the skin. Only expert practitioners know what can be utilized in an undiluted form and what quantity. Many authorities say that Lavender oil and tea tree can be used undiluted, even then many cases have been reported to get skin allergies when these were used in an undiluted state. Always make it sure to do a patch test before appl...

Aromatherapy and Its Magical Relaxation

e all experience stress in some form every day, and very often we forget to bring out some time for relaxation. Spas and parlors these days have many services related to aromatherapy and essential oils to cure most of the ailments that come from stress like insomnia, headache, lethargy, depression and so on. In many cosmetic and beauty care stores, you might have seen essential oil bottles being sold under various brand names. It is wise to keep some of them at home so that you can, at least, have a head, neck or leg massage when needed, but professional touch can give you the therapeutic effect of these natural essential oils. How Essential Oils Help? Long-term exposure to stress is a proven cause for getting afflicted with serious health problems like heart diseases, high blood pressure, sleeping disorders, anxiety, and depression, and can also affect your immune system. Some aromatherapy oils like lavender oil, chamomile, jasmine, sage, melissa (lemon balm), sandalwood, neroli,...

Explore the Benefits of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

3y grandmother was very fond of aromatherapy and had a good deal of knowledge on the subject. It was incredible to see her making use of aromatherapy and essential oils for different purposes. The best thing was that she always made use of homemade essential oils. Needless to say, there was no room for impurities in the oil because she extracted it at home and made the best use of it. I still remember that the essential oils smelt superb, but I feel sorry because I never tried to learn the oil extraction process from my granny. The only thing I can recall from my childhood memories is that these oils were extracted from different parts of the plant. She always took a good deal of time to made them and used to store different oils in different bottles. The influence of my grandmother was enough for me to get fascinated with the properties and aroma of these herbs. After so many years, when I look back, I realize that her fondness for Aromatherapy was due to the benefits associated ...

Ways of Extracting Essential Oils From Plants

ssential oils used in aromatherapy are extracted from flowers, roots, barks and leaves of the plants. The procedure from which the essential oil is extracted from the plant material is known as distillation. The process of distillation is very lengthy but ensures the extraction of the oil without affecting its quality. What is Distillation? Distillation refers to extracting the required component from the liquid through the process of heating and condensation. According to Wikipedia, "Distillation may result in essentially complete separation (nearly pure components), or it may be a partial separation that increases the concentration of selected components of the mixture. In either case, the process exploits differences in the volatility of mixture's components." Ways of Distilling Essential Oils Water Distillation Firstly, water is poured into a container, and then the other raw material is placed into it for boiling. As oil and water are insoluble substance...

Important Things to Consider Before Buying Essential Oils

always been a fan of natural healing methods and hate pharmaceutical medications. Though homoeopathic medicines are something that I feel are safer alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs, but still I feel that nature's way of healing is excellent, and we need to understand the importance of natural treatment methods for living a longer life. Modern life is full of stress. We all know that stress leads to various other health conditions like anxiety, body pain, headaches, sleeplessness and many other problems. In fact, these minor health conditions have become an inherent part of our lives, and it's high time now we need to do something about it. Considering the consumption of strong medicines for treating these minor health conditions is doing no good to our body. We all are well aware of the side effects associated with the intake of these medicines and we certainly need to look for natural alternative treatments to take the best care of our body. We all have heard a lot ...

All About Aromatherapy Oils

To me, there are few things as relaxing as enjoying a hot bath scented with beautiful smelling oils. Lots of bathing and shower products contain essential oils which are extracted from natural sources such as flowers, fruits, leaves, bark and other plant parts. It is widely acknowledged that essential oils can benefit your mind as well as your body. Here's a quick rundown of some common essential oils and their benefits. Try adding these oils to your bathwater or if you can't find the proper aromatherapy oils, look out for one of the many products that contain these ingredients. As well as in bath and body products, you can also enjoy the aroma of these oils in other products such as scented bags, candles and diffusers. Please note that some essential oils are not suitable for pregnant women and there is a lot of debate (and confusion) as to which ones are suitable and which ones aren't. However, if you're not pregnant, go ahead and enjoy... Eucalyptus - Great fo...

Aromatherapy Essentials

atherapy is the therapeutic use of plant-derived, aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being. Aromatherapy offers diverse physical and psychological benefits, depending on the essential oil or combination of oils and the method of application used. Some common medicinal properties of essential oils used in aromatherapy include: analgesic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, sedative, antispasmodic, expectorant, diuretic, and sedative. Essential oils are used to treat a wide range of symptoms and conditions, including, but not limited to, gastrointestinal discomfort, skin conditions, menstrual pain and irregularities, stress-related conditions, mood disorders, circulatory problems, respiratory infections, and minor wounds. A pleasing natural aroma can have a positive psychological effect on the body. EO's, which are the "pure" essence of a plant, have been found to provide both psychological and physical benefits w...

Discovering the Benefits of Aromatherapy

description for aromatherapy is the usage of essential oils from plants for the purpose of healing. The word 'aroma' is deceiving as it makes it sound as though the oils are inhaled. That is only partially true as they can be massaged into the skin and in rare instances and only with specific instructions from a qualified specialist or trained individuals they can be taken orally. Regardless if they are inhaled or applied directly to the skin, new attention is being given to essential oils as a substitute treatment for stress, infections, and other health problems. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and some Indian tribes used essential oils for therapeutic purposes dating back some 6,000 years. They were used in perfumes, cosmetics, and certain drugs. More commonly they were used for therapeutic, spiritual, hygienic, and for ritualistic purposes. The United States waited until the 1980s before embracing the benefits of aromatherapy. There are many products on th...

Islands of Health and Vitality

ng in areas where air pollution exceeded all permissible measures and where most of residents breathe with a half a lung capacity, problems like children's asthma, chronic bronchitis and similar ailments, have become a major problem of modern life. The oxygen we breathe is the basic element of life because all the cells in our body need it for normal functioning. We need 10 times more air than food and water. For each problem there seem to be instant solutions that have only a short-term effect. Such a way of life affects the health which we do not have time for, and with the emergence of health problems, we lose the quality of life. The last oases of a normal pace of life are the islands which attract a growing number of visitors searching for peace, meditation, health, and achieving balance of mind and body. Ideal climate suitable for treatment of respiratory diseases Two islands in Croatia's northern Adriatic region, that belong to Kvarner bay, the bigger Mali Losinj...