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Are High Heels Bad for You?

heels bad for you? In this article the side effects of wearing them will be discussed. Their effect on posture should be a health consideration. They ought to be used with a certain degree of awareness.

Women who use flat shoes may wonder about the health consequences of high heels. It can be fun to watch females trying to walk elegantly on them.

They make your legs look longer, and you taller. This is perhaps the most obvious reason to use them. However, fashion has a huge part to play when it comes to them. 'Shoe fashion' alone may influence the choice of your footwear.

As with your everyday shoes, high-heeled shoes too need to fit comfortably. Any discomfort will in a short period of time turn into torture. That said, it is always good to carry a comfortable pair of shoes with you.

So what is considered a high-heeled pair of shoes? Heels over 3.5 inches or 8.9 centimetres are classified high.

Are high heels bad for you? Adding this much or more height under your heels on a regular basis can have negative consequences. The side effects of wearing high heels can be felt all throughout the body. You may Initially feel it in your feet and ankles. Elevated heels alters the position of your posture. The impact of them can also be felt in the knees and hips.

Women who wear them regularly, rather than on the rare occasion, are more likely to suffer with the consequences. Your chest and lower back are pushed forward. At the same time your hips and spine go out of alignment. This puts additional pressure on your knees and the balls of your feet. The latter will also bear the weight of your body.

The job of a normally shaped spine is to reduce the stress on the vertebrae. In high heels the calf muscles are continually tensed and the shock absorbing abilities of the spine are much reduced.

As your normal posture changes, your body needs to rebalance itself. Years of tip toeing on high heels can lead to alterations in your physique. In the meantime, your back may suffer.

Spraining and breaking your ankle can easily happen when wearing thin heels. Pay attention walking on uneven ground. Practise before using them. You'll be glad you did! If you have an inability to walk normally, seriously avoid them.

As with most things, common sense is key. Listen to your body. It will talk to you. Pay attention to the messages your nerves are sending you. As unlikely as it may seem, your neck can also become affected.

Better still, do not wait for your body to signal you. Be kind to your physique. It is meant to serve you a long time.

Are high heels bad for you? This is totally under your control provided you are a fit and healthy human being. The side effects of wearing high heels can be many and varied which can be felt all throughout the body. You may look cool, and have an amazing pair of long legs. Whatever your reason for wearing them, it is not worth the cost of your health.

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